Mobile Diamond Connection®


Tired of losing sales when you're not around?
Make even your newest sales person your best!

How will you be using Mobile Diamond Connection?

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MDC for Tablet or In-store Kiosk

  • In-store sales tool designed to improve your sales team
  • Makes every employee, regardless of position, a sales professional
  • List 8,000+ diamonds with your own pre-set markups
  • Eliminate the "I'll be back" customers
  • Online ordering
  • Collect key customer info: Name, phone number, email address
  • Receive order notifications
  • Easy appointment setting with email reminders
  • Save as a bookmark in your mobile browser
  • Your cost for this fantastic service? FREE!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Inventory Link?

Do I need a website to use the mobile link?

No. The mobile link can be utilized by 'bookmarking' the URL address on multiple devices including, computers, tablets and smart phones.

I understand that I can set retail pricing. How does that work?

Once you begin the process of establishing your retail link, you will be asked about pricing. Choose either markup percentage(s) over cost by a flat rate, by diamond weight, or by dollar value. The weight and dollar options have 15 different tiers on which you can set prices so you can price online just as you do in the store.

What percentages should I set my markups?

We recommend setting them consistently with the way you currently price in the store.

Does the mobile link have RDI Diamonds® name on it?

No. RDI Diamonds® is a wholesaler, not a retailer. Nowhere will RDI Diamonds® name be mentioned. An example of the bookmark URL would be:

When do I capture my customer's information?

On the first screen of the mobile link you can capture the customers first and last name, email address, and phone number. Gathering this information allows the system will auto-generate an email reminding the customer of their appointment.

I ask my customer for budget but don't get it. Now what?

Since your customer is looking at the inventory with retail pricing, they will reveal their budget through selection.

Do I show my customer the diamond images?

Yes! It is one of the key differential advantages of RDI Diamonds® web site. You can choose to show the diamond images by a standard 10x loop view or under more significant magnification. In addition, have an RDI Diamond on hand so that you can show it to the 'eye' then have them view the online image to see the difference.

Doesn't this process encourage my customers to shop online?

On the contrary! Buying online is very risky. This process takes the convenience of that process and marries it with security! RDI Diamond® website has diamond images, along with specs and certifications. Plus, the customer does not have to pay to see them! You bring them in on memo and they view the best options.

There is no risk and no purchasing required. Not to mention they get your jewelry expertise as you help them to select the perfect diamond.

Are the diamonds shown all available?

Not necessarily. Some of the diamonds may be on memo. That is why we recommend the clients select between 4-5 options. This will give us great criteria for selecting them the perfect diamond.

They selected 4-5 options but will only see 1-2. Isn't that a negative?

No. This is where you will convey your expertise and let them know you reviewed the options and these 2 were the best ones for him. Obviously, if based on their search there was one option that they were VERY excited to see, let your RDI Diamonds® Account Manager know that information.

Do the diamonds ordered ship automatically?

No. Typically your RDI Diamonds® Account Manager will be contacting you to briefly discuss the customer and select the correct option(s). Shipment will happen upon the completion of that conversation. If you want the order to ship automatically, please note that in the notes section of the order submission.

What does the customer's appointment reminder email say?

Congratulations John Q. Customer.
You have just completed the first step toward selecting your perfect diamond!

You are scheduled to see your selections on 08-18-2011 at 03:00 pm. They will be shipped in especially for you, so please, if you must reschedule, contact the store via phone or email as soon as possible.

Joe Smith

We look forward to seeing you!

We are always here to help!

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